The Crouch Bowling
Club Seaford

Season 2025
1, Members selected for scheduled matches shall be required to confirm their availability at least 24 hours before the match by initialling their name on the team sheet or contacting the Captain by telephone.
2. In doubtful weather on match days players should phone the Captain of the Day by 12.30pm to confirm if the match is cancelled or not.
3. Players are required to report to the Captain of the Day at least 15 minutes before the match is due to start – Home or Away.
4. Please check both your tea and domestic duty dates and tick your availability. If you are unable to do the duty it is your responsibility to find a replacement.
5. Club stickers to be on all bowls for matches.
6. For club dress on the green see rule 12 of Rules and Procedures as approved on 10.08.18.
7. Competitions must be completed not later than the dates shown.
8. A copy of the Constitution and Rules of the club are displayed in the Clubhouse.
9. If you have any queries, suggestions or complaints, please refer them either to the Secretary or member of the management team.
10. A copy of each committee minutes is displayed in the clubhouse.
11. Full details of all social events will be posted on the club noticeboard.
12. You are requested not to smoke, drink alcohol or use mobile phones on the green.
13. Green stewards should be present at least 1 hour before start of play to ensure that the green is correctly dressed, sponsors banners are displayed and club flag flown. Water, squash and beakers should be put out when required. The green stewards should also make sure that everything is put away at the end of the match, ensuring that any beakers used are washed and put away.
Men’s Friday league. Start at 10.00am during the season every week. Registration for play closes 9.45am.
The fee for the Men’s League is £5.00 for the season.
Mixed Evening League. Start at 5.00pm. Registration for play closes at 4.45pm.
The fee for the Evening League is £3.00 for the season.
The dates for the commencement of the Men’s Friday League and the Mixed Evening League to be advised.
We are pleased to acknowledge the continuing support of our Sponsors, namely:
Barwells Qulality Solicitors V.R. Flowers & Son Sussex Eyecare Intersport Newberry Tully The Builders Club Your Construction Shop Brooklyn Hyundai Pegasus Life (new retirement apartments) The Builders Club Your Construction Shop.